Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, February 5, 2010

Literary Texas Takeover Touches Down At Peeples Middle School In Jackson, MS

(Thurs. Feb. 4, 2010) In spite of the rainy weather, students at Peeples Middle School in Jackson, MS were given rays of hope through the visit of Texas authors Mr. Mean Mug (TATTOO TEARS) and Jermnine Demouchette (JAMES DEMOUCHETTE VS. THE STATE OF TEXAS). The two gentlemen kicked off Conversations Book Club's "DO THE WRITE THANG: READ!" campaign which will bring over two dozen authors to the magnolia state in 2010.

"In spite of the progress going on in Mississippi, we still have one of the highest rates of illiteracy and school drop-outs in the country," says book club President Cyrus Webb,34. "By bringing authors of all backgrounds and interests to the state, it is our hope that we can get others excited about books and reading more."

At Peeples Middle School, the students listened intently as the authors shared their personal challenges, mistakes and experiences in life. It is their hope that something they say will plant a seed with those listening and cause them to think about the decisions they make.

Teachers Jacqueline Bolden and Marlene Walker welcomed Webb and the authors into their classrooms, believing it was something that their students needed.

"I remember being in school and not believing I would ever need to know the stuff I was being taught in English Class," says Mr. Mean Mug (who was born Shane Gregory). "Now as an author, I realize the importance of learning all you can."

Demouchette agrees. His book, which chronicles the experiences of his brother while on Death Row in Texas, was made possible because of his reading and doing research. "I had heard things about him and the life he lived," he says, "but it wasn't until I got to read about it myself did I get a real picture of the man he became. Reading is able to break down alot of barriers that are in the world."

You can find out more about Mr. Mean Mug by visiting More about Jermnine Demouchette is available at

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