Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, February 1, 2010

Mississippi Prepares For A Literary Texas Takeover

The book club that has brought Mississippi attention by hosting almost 80 authors since 2006 is gearing up for another incredible year of success in promoting reading in the Magnolia State. Cyrus Webb, President and Founder of Conversations Book Club and the Hip Hop and Books Colition, is pleased to announce that Texas authors Shane Gregory aka Mr. Mean Mug (TATTOO TEARS) and Jermnine Demouchette (JAMES DEMOUCHETTE VS. THE STATE OF TEXAS) will be bringing their message of hope and redemption to Mississippi Thursday, February 4th and Friday, February 5th. Billed as the Literary Texas Takeover, the two will be visiting schools, libraries and small groups to talk about their life experiences, their transition from the streets to the bookstores and what young people can and should learn from them.

"It is an honor to host these two in their first visits to Mississippi," says Webb, 34. He read both of their books and knew that they would be a great addition to his campaign. "I know everyone they meet on their visit will benefit from what they have to say."

Both Mr. Mean Mug and Jermnine Demouchette came to Conversations Book Club and Hip Hop and Books through their connections with two prominent members of his literary coaltion. Demouchette learned of Webb because of his work with platinum-selling recording artist and bestselling author Corey "C-Murder" Miller, while Mr. Mean Mug was introduced by recording artist and author Jacki-O.

"What Cee did with his book (Death Around The Corner) showed me that I could use my skills in a positive way," says Demouchette. Mr. Mean Mug thought the same and added this: "When Jacki-O came out with her book (Grown & Gangsta), it just proved to me that anything was possible."

Webb believes that the urban community has always been a reading community, but he knows that the message is sometimes accepted easier when those listening can relate to the messenger. "Books have the ability to cross racial lines, backgrounds and begin important dialogue," he says. "I know that through their work, these authors will be able to encourage others and hopefully open some minds along the way." Webb will also be hosting the Literary Texas Takeover tour as it moves to other parts of the country throughout the year as part of the Hip Hop and Books movement.


Details about Conversations and its projects can be found at or To find out more about upcoming events, contact Cyrus Webb at or 601.896.5616 or Herschel Dixon at 502.291.4201.

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