Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Bestselling author Roy Glenn's Trip To Mississippi: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

Thanks to everyone who made bestselling author Roy Glenn's first trip to Mississippi a success on Saturday, August 7, 2010.

Conversations Book Club President Cyrus Webb was proud to be a small part of the visit as the author celebrated the release of his 11th full-length novel COMMIT TO VIOLENCE.

The day began at Books-A-Million in Jackson, MS where Roy signed books and talked to passersby about his career and what's next for him.

From there it was on to Barnes and Noble in Ridgeland, MS where he was also treated to some great conversation and interest in his latest book.

Finally the day ended at Appetizers Restaurant in Pearl, MS with members of Conversations Book Club where he talked about his overall journey as an author, answered questions and signed copies of his previous work.

For those in the Jackson, MS area, there are still signed copies of COMMIT TO VIOLENCE available at Books-A-Million. To get other books from the author, visit

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