Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

THE SKINNY ON SERIES: Conversations Literary Selection For August 2010

Since its inception in November 2006, Conversations Book Club has been committed to providing readers with the very best selections to add to their reading list. For the first time, however, the August 2010 recommendation is not one book but a series: THE SKINNY SERIES.

Why the change in its normal book of the month selection? Conversations Book Club President Cyrus Webb explains. "There were just too many great books in the series to choose just one," he says. "I knew for the month of August I wanted to choose a book that readers could not only benefit from but that would also fit the summer theme of being a quick, easy read. With THE SKINNY ON series you get all of that plus valuable information that can be applied, shared and revisited when needed."

Created by Jim Randel, the series covers a wide spectrum of subjects, each designed to be entertaining yet informative. In April 2010, Webb got a chance to talk with Randel about the series on Conversations LIVE Radio (listen to the interview here:

Not only will the series be featured on, and during the entire month, Webb and Randel will host a 4-part discussion about some of the topics that THE SKINNY ON addresses. This will take place on Conversations LIVE beginning Mon. August 16th @ 1:30p.m. EST (see for details).

For more information about THE SKINNY ON series, visit or follow the series on Twitter at

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