Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, April 21, 2012

CBC Report: Author Tommie Mabry's Book-Signing A Success!

(Sat. April 21, 2012) Shadow Play Entertainment and Conversations Book Club wish to thank all of those who supported the book-signing for Tommie Mabry, author of A DARK JOURNEY TO A LIGHT FUTURE on Sat. April 21, 2012 at the Pearl Public Library in Pearl, MS.

"The event was a success in every way imaginable," says Cyrus Webb, President of Conversations Book Club and host of the event. "It was great to finally meet Tommie and introduce him to book lovers in Rankin County." Webb had read A DARK JOURNEY and interviewed the author on his radio show Conversations LIVE over the phone. This was the first time they had met face to face.

Supporters of Conversations Book Club and the author came out to get copies of the book, converse with the author and learn more about his story that is chronicled in the book. Among those in attendance was Darlene Collier, author of MARRIED TO SIN.

Mabry's book is available on and additional information can be found about the author and the book at To find out about upcoming events hosted by Conversations Book Club visit

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