Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, December 11, 2023

Conversations Top 20 Books for Young Readers in 2023

Conversations Media Group President Cyrus Webb is excited to share his Top 20 Books for Young Readers in 2023. It's a list for all ages, providing entertainment, inspiration and great stories that readers will want to share with others. 

Conversations Top 20 Books for Young Readers in 2023 (Listed in no particular order)

  1. Who Is LeBron James? by Crystal Hubbard (Penguin Workshop)
  2. Good Different by Meg Eden Kuyatt (Scholastic Press)
  3. The Jockey & Her Horse by Sarah Maslin Nir and Raymond White, Jr. (Cameron Kids)
  4. White House Clubhouse by Sean O'Brien (Norton)
  5. Once in a Blue Moon by Sharon G. Flake (Random House Kids)
  6. Nubia: The Reckoning by Omar Epps & Clarence A. Haynes (Delacorte Press)
  7. There Goes the Neighborhood by Jade Adia (Hyperion)
  8. I Kick and I Fly by Ruchira Gupta (Scholastic Press)
  9. Ellie Engle Saves Herself! by Leah Johnson (Hyperion)
  10. The Last Fallen Realm by Graci Kim (Hyperion)
  11. Youngest In Charge by Kevin Elliott (Urban Lifestyle Press)
  12. Promise Boys by Nick Brooks (Henry Holt)
  13. The Puppets of Spelhorst by Kate DiCamillo (Candlewick Press)
  14. Why? The Human Body by National Geographic Kids 
  15. Big Tree by Brian Selznick (Scholastic Press)
  16. The Honorable Bee by Jayden Smith-Cox (Pa-Pro-Vi Publishing)
  17. Showdown at Firefly Island by Eli Clark & Gerry Boylan (Detroit Writing Room)
  18. Braylen the Bear and Freinds: Braylen Finds a Way by Dr. LaTonya Peterson/Manswell Peterson (OmegaMan Publishing)
  19. We Are Here by Tami Charles (Orchard Books)
  20. I Absolutely, Positively Love My Spots by Lid'ya C. Rivera (Harper)

Sunday, November 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Inspiring from beginning to end, Michelle Brown shows the power of faith and not giving up

 I've never met Michelle Brown, but after reading her book My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is.... I feel a connection to her through her story and life lessons. 

She shares how through her personal and professional challenges how she has been able to persevere---letting us know what is possible for us as well. Looking at her today you would never guess she has been through so many heartbreaking situations, but I think that is again part of the book. So many of us have been through things that could have broken us, but we are still here---still able to stand and face down another day. 

For Michelle the key to not giving up was tied to her faith. She didn't always understand what she was dealing with when it came to family or things with her own body, but she didn't let that stop her. 

For those who have ever endured a trial that threatened to break them, this book is sure to give you hope. Inspiring from beginning to end, Michelle Brown's My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is.... shows the power of faith and not giving up. 

Get your copy of My Life Isn't Perfect, But My Testimony Is.... on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] She Said Yes To Herself Unapologetically is all about recognizing you are worthy

 It's sad we live in a world where we still have to tell women---all women---that they are worthy of taking care of themselves, loving themselves and respecting themselves. 

For those that need a reminder of their value and what they can achieve, the new anthology She Said Yes To Herself Unapologetically EmpowerHER Guide gives you that and so much more. It is all about sharing the stories of individuals who have come out of their challenges and difficult circumstances and are better on the other side. 

For men and women you are sure to see yourself or someone you know---and you'll be encouraged to realize what is possible for you and can be done in your life if you're willing to do the work. 

LADIES: ready to start living your best life possible? It all begins with realizing you are worthy of saying yes to yourself UNAPOLOGETICALLY. 

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] For those looking to move forward in their lives, FROM BARS AND SCARS gives you the motivation


Anyone who has followed the career of Pauline Rogers knows that she is an individual who walks the walk that she speaks about. In her eagerly awaited first book FROM BARS AND SCARS she gives us inspiration to use for every day, encouraging us to not give up on ourselves and others. 

FROM BARS AND SCARS is intended for those who have been caged by their circumstances, but it speaks to all of us who have been beaten down by life and feel restrained in how far we can go.

By reading the words and thinking about what they can mean for you personally, it helps to shape not only your expectations for yourself but those around you as well. 

FROM BARS AND SCARS is a needed resource for the times we find ourselves in. Just what you need to give you that motivation to keep going.

Get your copy of FROM BARS AND SCARS on Amazon

Saturday, September 30, 2023

31 Books You Should Read in October 2023

 With so many books being published each year it can sometimes be difficult to know what you might need to give a read. As the last quarter of 2023 begins, media personality and Books You Need to Read founder Cyrus Webb shares 31 Books You Should Read in October 2023. 

These are books all published in the past year that have gotten Webb's attention and made an impact with him. It is his hope that they will do the same for you. 

NON-FICTION TITLES (Listed in no particular order)

  1. Adversity for Sale by Jay Jeezy Jenkins 
  2. Heart of a Warrior by Fa'Apepele Hunkin
  3. Professionally Lynched by Tanya White
  4. Tough by Terry Crews 
  5. It's Okay Not to be Fabulous Every Day! by Ally Dalsimer
  6. Joy Rides Through the Tunnel of Grief by Jessica Hendry Nelson
  7. Lessons from the Forgotten Ones by Branden Nicholson
  8. A Course in Love by Deborah L. Hunter
  9. Transformation: The Bounce Back by Dr. Teresa A. Smith
  10. Top Billin' by Bill Bellamy
  11. Dream by Design Inspirational Journal by Melissa Banks
  12. Tinderbox by Lynn Alsup
  13. Ride or Die by Jarie Bolander
  14. The Little Sandals that Could by Tina Siemens 
  15. Painful Joy by Max J. Friedman
  16. I Got It From Here by Francesca Miracola 

FICTION TITLES (Listed in no particular order)

  1. A Likeable Woman by May Cobb
  2. Malibu Burning by Lee Goldberg
  3. The Wrong Catch by Dr. Velma Bagby 
  4. Havana Hangover by Randy Richardson
  5. This Time Could Be Different by Khristin Wierman
  6. Blast by Robert Blake Whitehill 
  7. Girls in Search of Cover, Part 1 by Pamela Mshana
  8. Backlash by Iris Bolling
  9. Locrottum Academy, Book 1 by Manswell T. Peterson
  10. The Better Half by Alli Frank and Asha Youmans
  11. Flipping Boxcars by Cedric Kyles
  12. These Things Happen by Michael Eon
  13. The Wrong Seat by Natasha D. Frazier
  14. A Twisted Love Story by Samantha Downing
  15. Tides of Fire by James Rollins

Saturday, August 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Diane Kane's I NEVER CALLED HIM PA speaks to the times and the challenges life brings us all


I went into I NEVER CALLED HIM PA not really knowing what to expect, but what author Diane Kane delivers is a book with history, heart and life lessons we can all appreciate. 

Told through the voice of young Henry, we are able to see him navigate the challenges of family, the times where people are not appreciated for who they are and the complications that life delivers to us all. Having such a young protagonist and storyteller, we are able to see not just the simplicity of life but the importance of the little things that we adults sometimes overlook.

What Henry wants is a not just a home. He wants to feel at home, and that is something we see him appreciate along the way. We are also introduced to individuals who are also trying to figure life out, including his own mother----and the complexities that can come from that, too.

In the end for me I NEVER CALLED HIM PA is a book about navigating the world we live in, trying to make the most of what we have and who we have, while also striving for the best ahead. These are themes we might all grapple with, but the importance of them can't be denied. 

If you're looking for a story that speaks to the importance of knowing who you are and what you deserve in life, this one is a great addition to your reading list.  

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0 gives an easy-to-follow blueprint to pursue your goals and dreams

 For those that are feeling the pull to pursue their goals and dreams but may feel unsure of the proper course, Queashar (Shar) L. Halliburton gives the blueprint with SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0. 

The book is written as a guide for female entrepreneurs, however, the principles and strategies that Shar gives can be applied to all of us. It all begins with realizing what you want to do, who you service and more importantly doing the work to treat your business like a business. 

This can be scary as well, so Shar gives you the things you need to think about so that you can get started on the right foot. There are resources included, her own personal experiences infused throughout and room for you to make your plans and get started with your strategy. 

One of the big things I like about the book is that Shar is pushing you in the direction of your calling, but she is being practical in the process. Make sure you're set up to succeed. Decide for yourself what success even looks like. Don't leave yourself behind along the way. All of these are important for individuals who want to 'make it' and not go down in flames due to burnout. 

Looking for a blueprint to get started towards your goals and dreams? SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS 2.0 has you covered. 

Get your copy on Amazon. 

[BOOK REVIEW] Braylen the Bear and Friends: Caught is a great way to talk about peer pressure and decisions we make


For those that have been following the BRAYLEN THE BEAR AND FREINDS series you know that they are books that entertain and teach important lessons. CAUGHT is no different. 

I have to say that I love that the authors allows us to see how Braylen, a typically good 'kid', could get caught up in the desire to be liked and accepted---leading him to make some unwise choices. That is something families can consider. A mistake doesn't mean the child is bad or that adults are bad. It's the decision to choose a better way that is the deciding factor for us all.

When the consequences of his actions are front and center Braylen is able to better understand the importance of the choices he makes. That is what I think the reader will get from it as well.

Great way to teach kids about their actions and the consequences that follow. It's also a great reminder for us adults how we can be influenced by others and what can be the result. CAUGHT is something everyone can learn from. That makes it a great book for family, school and groups. 

Get your copy on Amazon

Friday, August 4, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] With Braylen Finds a Way we are able to see how to talk with kids about bullying

 The BRAYLEN THE BEAR AND FRIENDS series by LaTonya Peterson and Manswell Peterson does a great job in touching on topics that kids can relate to but also speak to adults. 

BRAYLEN FINDS A WAY is another example of that, this time dealing with the topic of bullying. I like the way that the book shows Braylen and his friends coming together to deal with the bullying problem, not wanting to leave any of their friends unprotected. I also appreciated Breylen letting his parents know what is happening and getting ideas from them how to handle the situation.

Though the book is for kids, there are so many things that adults can take away from it, too. Unfortunately bullying and harassment have no age limits. That means we all have to find ways to deal with these issues and help others do the same. 

Well presented in a way that is entertaining and informative, BRAYLEN FIND A WAY addresses bullying in a way that can be understood and helpful. 

Get your copy on Amazon

Monday, June 19, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Seth Lusk shares what you have to give up in order to gain

 Sometimes in life we feel as though we are experiencing everything in a vacuum, that no one can understand us and what we're dealing with. For those who wonder if there is hope for them and their current situation, Seth Lusk shares some insight in his thoughtful book WHAT I REALLY WANT IS... BUT I'M JUST TO FULL OF...

Though he is a life coach Seth shows that he doesn't have it all figured out, and taking us on his journey I think the reader is better able to understand the importance of not giving up on themselves as they try to navigate the complications of the journey called life.

Will there be disappointments and setbacks? Absolutely. Can you make it in spite of all of that comes your way? Seth gives a definitive 'You better believe it.'

For me one of the most powerful lessons Seth learned that he shares is about love. It's something that has helped me in my life over the past 10 years as I have embraced and enjoyed single life. So many look for look in others. Seth reminds us that if we don't love ourselves there is no way we will be able to fully appreciate and enjoy true love. Having others love us is great, but it's no good if we don't realize it has to start within.

Ready to get what you say you want in life? WHAT I REALLY WANT IS... BUT I'M JUST TOO FULL OF... reminds us that sometimes we have to give up in order to gain. 

Get your copy on Amazon

[BOOK REVIEW] D. G. Torrens' ONE FOR SORROW is another chilling story of survival. You won't be able to forget it!

 Author D. G. Torrens is a talented storyteller that brings you into the pain and peril of her characters and guide you through the other side. With ONE FOR THE SORROW we have another powerful heroine in Avery Masters who must navigate the pain of the past and the present and find the will and strength to survive.

The book is something that will draw the reader in, mainly because it's something that is so real and relatable. Finding someone who seems to love you for you, promising to undo the darkness of the pain---that is until you realize they have their own darkness to replace it.

What we see in Avery is not just the feeling of being trapped, but the journey of loving oneself enough to want better. Thankfully she isn't alone. Avery has friends that want to see her get to a place of happiness and healing. Will she let them help her towards the light or will it be too late?

For those looking for a suspenseful read that grabs you and keeps you engaged from beginning to end ONE FOR SORROW is the kind of book you'll devour. It's a chilling story of survival that you won't soon forget. 

Get ONE FOR SORROW on Amazon

Friday, June 9, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Want to know how to get the most out of your life? Dr. Carla Maria gives you the tools you need!


With so much going on in life it is easy for us to forget to look after ourselves. This is especially true it seems for women who are expected at times to look after others, sometimes at the detriment of themselves. 

In 8 Power Moves To Protect the Queen: Ruling Your World & Creating the Life You Desire, Dr. Carla Maria outlines the steps needed to make sure you are not just walking in your power but standing in it as well. This is a book based on faith but full of action that means you have to realize the importance of doing the work. Loving yourself, surrounding yourself with those who are going to push you and support you as well as realizing your own power are key. 

This doesn't mean that life won't have its challenges. What Dr. Carla show is that you don't have to go through those challenges alone---and you can rise above them. 

Just the kind of book you need to remind you of who you were created to be. 8  POWER MOVES TO PROTECT THE QUEEN reminds women not to forget themselves. 

Get your copy on Amazon

Saturday, May 6, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Randy Richardson's HAVANNA HANGOVER is the kind of book you can enjoy any time of year


Whether you're looking for a great summer read or something that will keep you engaged and guessing, then HAVANNA HANGOVER is the kind of book you want to add to your reading list. 

Author Randy Richardson is someone I have gotten to enjoy over the years, and this newest book shows his range of writing a mystery and love story mixed with intrigue. Through Tanner and Jackson we see how friendships can change and when put under test the things that can be exposed---sometimes with deadly consequences. 

The way the book unfolds allows us to better understand Tanner and though we might not always agree with his choices, we can see how he learns to fight for what matters to him. Will he get a happy ending? What does that even mean? Those are just a couple of the questions you'll find yourself asking. 

HAVANA HANGOVER is a book you'll enjoy and want to talk about. You can't ask for more than that. 

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

5 Poetry Books to Add to Your Reading List during National Poetry Month


Books You Need to Read founder Cyrus Webb reads HUNDREDS of books each year, helping to bring great choices to readers around the world.

During National Poetry Month Webb shares FIVE BOOKS* he believes should be on your reading list this year.

  1. Reduced to Joy by Mark Nepo
  2. Out of the Depths by Glenda L. Hunter
  3. A Necessary Explosion by Dan Burns
  4. Beloved by Greatest Poet Alive
  5. Prison or Passion by R. K. Russell

*     Cyrus Webb is an Amazon Influencer and gets a commission from books listed. 

Monday, April 10, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] Rosalie Turner's LAYERS OF TRUTH shows you are never too young (or old) to make a difference

 If you have heard the saying "The more things change the more they stay the same" then the book LAYERS OF TRUTH will resonate with you on many levels. Though historical fiction, author Rosalie T. Turner has crafted a story that touches on issues we see being addressed in our day: education, rights and injustices---and those who are standing up for those without a voice. 

It's a powerful look at how an individual like Lenore Rogers can see that there is more that unite us than divides us, and build connections that will test not only what she has believed but who she wants to be. A book that is about bringing people together and creating equality, even in the face of uncertainty, LAYERS OF TRUTH shows that to create change you have to start at the root. 

Get your copy of  LAYERS OF TRUTH on Amazon here

Listen to author Rosalie Turner on #ConversationsLIVE here

[BOOK REVIEW] Meg Eden Kuyatt's GOOD DIFFERENT encourages the reader to embrace what makes them unique

So much to love about GOOD DIFFERENT, regardless of your age. 

I love how through Selah author Meg Eden Kuyatt shows how we can embrace the things that make us unique, even as we learn to navigate the world and discover our place in it. Selah is someone who has to come to grips with her challenges yet not allow them to define her. Along the way we are able to see the lessons learned when she does things right and when there is room to grow. In the end, however, it is about her learning to love herself, embrace her gifts and realize she is more then the things that try to define her. 

Written in a way that draws the reader in, GOOD DIFFERENT is an entertaining discussion piece for all of us when it comes to learning to love who you are. 

Get your copy of GOOD DIFFERENT on Amazon here

Hear author Meg Eden Kuyatt's interview on #ConversationsLIVE here

Sunday, April 9, 2023

[BOOK PROMO] Transform with TAS Healthy Recipes

 Get your copy of TRANSFORM WITH TAS HEALTHY RECIPES on Amazon here

Thursday, April 6, 2023

Cyrus Webb Relaunches Conversations Book Club for its 16th Anniversary

When media personality and author Cyrus Webb started the co-ed book club Conversations in 2006 with Stanley Clark it was with the purpose of connecting readers with authors, giving them a platform to interact with one another. Over the past 16 years Conversations Book Club has hosted over 400 authors and author-related events and been featured locally in Mississippi’s Clarion Ledger and Jackson Advocate Newspaper and nationally by the Chicago Tribune and others. 

Men, women and even children of all ages have benefited from the free reading group, and Webb has been able to show that reading is a universal connector with people around the world.

After a hiatus that began in March 2020 due to the pandemic, Webb is excited to announce that the book club is relaunching with both IN-PERSON and VIRTUAL events, continuing Conversations' message of sharing the importance and power of books. 

Look for more book reviews, author interviews and opportunities for readers to chat LIVE with authors. 

CONVERSATIONS: After 16 years STILL feeding your love of life! 

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] WHO IS LEBRON JAMES? celebrates the man behind the fame


Author Crystal Hubbard is someone that I've gotten to know for writing engaging books for all ages. Her newest WHO IS LEBRON JAMES? is a great bridge for both young readers and adults. 

I love how she is able to take someone as well-known as Lebron James and make him relatable and share details readers like myself have never known. We are able to see what made the made: how he excelled in spite of challenges at home and in his career, and the way he has been able to motivate and inspire while pursuing his goals and dreams. 

Who is Lebron James is the kind of book that young people can read and aspire to emulate as they pursue their own passions. It is also the kind of book that adults can read for the same reason, remembering that it is never to late to make a difference. 

Ready to be inspired and get to know Lebron James in ways that may surprise you? This is the kind of book you want to read.

Get your copy on Amazon here

[BOOK REVIEW] Author Kelly Yang's FINALLY SEEN shows what it means to know you matter in the world

 I love books that make you see yourself and others in a different light, reminding us of the importance we all have in the world. Kelly Yang's FINALLY SEEN is that kind of book for young and old. 

We're able to see Lina, a girl trying to navigate her new normal while also dealing with her own feelings of loneliness and insecurities. What we find is that others get to SEE her and help her to SEE HERSELF. That is the beginning of her not just finding her place but showing others what they can do as well.

These days we all need these reminders, that who we are matters. FINALLY SEEN shows what it means to know you matter in the world, and just by your being yourself you can make a difference. 

Get your copy on Amazon here

Saturday, April 1, 2023

5 Ways to Promote Your Book with Conversations Book Club and The Book Guy


Conversations Book Club President Cyrus Webb is a lover of all things books and is excited to share books with the world through his various outlets. 

Do you have a book you need help promoting? Here are five ways that Webb can help!

  1. AMAZON STOREFRONT: Get your book listed in our Amazon Store at for 4 weeks for only $150.
  2. Amazon LIVE/Conversations LIVE Interview: Get a 15 min interview on Amazon Live OR Conversations LIVE radio show for only $97.
  3. AMAZON STOREFRONT PLUS: Get your book listed in our Amazon Store at for 4 weeks as as featured for 4 weeks on for only $197.
  4. FULL AMAZON PACKAGE: Get everything in #3 and add in a 30 min RADIO INTERVIEW on Conversations LIVE on iHeartRadio for only $297.
  5. FULL PACKAGE: Get everything included in #4 as well as a feature in Conversations Magazine for only $397. 
Ready to get started? Reach out to Cyrus Webb by email at with "Book Promo" in the subject line or connect with him via social media below:

Monday, March 27, 2023

[BOOK REVIEW] With THE GOLD ROSE author Jodi Lea Stewart shows that doing what is right can be hard but needed

 When it comes to right and wrong there can be no limit put on choosing wisely. In author Jodi Lea Stewart's newest book THE GOLD ROSE we are able to see that people over the years have had to make the difficult choices---and deal with the consequences. 

Once again we are able to see Stewart's abilities to transport us to a time that may seem different than the world we know, but it includes people that are relatable and real. THE GOLD ROSE is about conscience and power, and what happens when they are not used properly. With Charlotte we get a look at what made her who she is and where are desire to do what is right and make amends where she can comes from. Will it be a enough to save her and others? That is part of what we see as the book unfolds with action, challenges and revelations.

Taking readers back in time and around the world, Jodi Lea Stewart's THE GOLD ROSE delivers another page-turner full of her signature heart, soul, and adventure. Get ready to be drawn in and carried away as the characters deal with love, loss, and the search for something more. A truly satisfying read.