Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

A CONVERSATIONS EXCLUSIVE: Bestselling author James Earl Hardy speaks TONIGHT


The bestselling author that brought the world the popular "B-Boy" Series of books will be joining the Conversations Book Club live via conference call for the hour on TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2007 AT 6P.M.--- and you won't want to miss what he has to say about the series and the way that art sometimes mirrors life in a big way.

Come ask the questions you want to know the answers to.

We hope to see you there!

1 comment:

Cyrus Webb said...

Hello all! Got this message from James Earl Hardy after the discussion and wanted to share it with you:

"thanks again for the evite. u asked some great questions. i had to go way back in the memory bank for some of the answers (lol)! hope the group enjoyed it as much as i did. when there is news about the next book, will definitely let you know. look forward to doing it again."

Another great job from the group that met in asking questions that were both stimulating and added to the discussion. As you can tell, we have yet another author who is singing the praises of the group.