Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, February 15, 2008

Author Dedra Johnson & Conversations: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Thank you to everyone who made Bestselling author Dedra Johnson's (author of SANDRINE'S LETTER TO TOMORROW) first official visit to Mississippi to promote her book a success. As always, it is the mission of Conversations Book Club to bring authors to readers no matter where they are---and we didn't disappoint this time either.

A special thanks to the Crystal Springs Elementary School, and Ms. Crisley and Mr. Bradford at the Crystal Springs High School for their continued support of our campaign. The students devoured the lively discussions about race and the world's perception of beauty, and we enjoyed sharing how important it is to love yourself.

As always our literary partner, Richard Wright Library, helped continue the lively discussion and fellowship, and we appreciate Rose Wright of the Savvy Book Club for coming by to share in the cause.

Dedra's visit with Conversations literary couldn't have made it without the support of book club members and friends Robin Gardner and Attorney Martin Perkins. Thanks to the two of you from making everything from the schools to Subway Restaurant something that will not be easily forgotten.

To those who weren't able to attend today's events, you really missed out on more history in the making. C'mon. What are you waiting for? JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get hooked on books!

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