Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Conversations & Bestselling author Brenda L. Thomas, Day 1

There are not many times that I am left speechless, however, with the direction that Conversations Book Club is going in 2008 it is hard not to be at a loss for words. Such is the case as I sit down to recap our day one with Bestselling author Brenda L. Thomas.

Now only was this her first trip to the Magnolia State, but it was her first time speaking to students as well! On the way to Copiah County to speak to the students in Crystal Springs, it occurred to me that we are not just changing the way that people read. We are changing lives, and there is no way NOT to be humbled by that.
Her new book, LAYING DOWN MY BURDENS, is her own personal journey through over a decade of verbal, emotional and physical abuse---and how she found the courage to love herself enough to want out. Admittedly, it is a heavy subject to discuss with kids, but it was one that they needed to hear.
We first went to Crystal Springs Elementary, where are book club member Cheryl Haynes is Principal. After our regular greetings and pictures, we walked the halls speaking to many of the 600 student body before heading to one class room to talk with a group of second graders. Brenda was amazing. To see someone who makes there living writing about characters that readers fall in love talk about themselves with honesty and courage is something to watch. It is never easy to stand exposed to complete strangers, but she did it again and again because she knew someone would be helped and encouraged by her journey.
From there it was over to the Crystal Springs High School to talk with ONE class of Ms. Crisler's English students. Well, that was the plan. But after we began and the interest was contagious, we ended up staying for THREE classes---many of those present purchasing books while wiping away tears and asking questions that needed to be answered by someone who had lived the live they had heard about, seen or personally experienced.
While trying to absorb what had just happened, we had to keep moving because we were expected at an event in Rankin County at the Pearl Public Library. Because of time, we turned this into a short meet and greet and even ran into book club member Dana Hampton. It was also here that we joined with book club member and author Voncele Savage and made a special visit to a shelter.
This was not originally on our schedule of events, but it proved to be a stop that all of us appreciated. There we met staff as well as one woman who shared her personal story with us, getting hugs from the authors and encouragement to move forward.
Next came our booksigining at the Richard Wright Library in Hinds County where our partner Ms. Debra Gilbert made us feel right at home.
Our final event was at Barnes and Noble in Madison County where we enjoyed conversation and a discussion of Thomas' book. Joining us on her on this journey was her friend and assistant Kim Gerald, and we learned how they were able to band together and forge an alliance that transcends business and reaches the heart. Rose Wright, President of Savvy Book Club, joined us for this last stop and after pictures it was time to call it a day.
DAY TWO begins today (Sat. Feb. 9, 2008) in Memphis, TN with the debut of Conversations * Memphis! Stay tuned for the report.

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