Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, February 2, 2008

CBC Report: Bestselling author Diane Dorce', Day 1

Friday, January 31, 2008 has been a long time coming.

I was first introduced to author Diane Dorce' back in 2005 when she was promoting her book DEVIL IN THE MIST---and even back then I knew she was someone I wanted to work with. That became a reality when book club member Robin Gardner and I picked her up to begin our historic visit with the author. Now she has published her second adult novel 52 BROAD STREET as well founded her own publishing entity, FIREFLY PUBLISHING (with several authors already under her belt).  This was her first visit not only with Conversations but to the state of Mississippi, and we wanted to make sure that it was as visit she would not soon forget.
In just one day we visited with people in Copiah County, Hinds County and Madison County---and at each stop we were meeting new faces, selling books and encouraging reading.
It all began with our tour of Crystal Springs Elementary School, given by the principal and book club member Cheryl Haynes. The school of 600 students has gotten used to Conversations bringing authors to them, but Diane was the first author who had actually written a book designed for them! Her children's book LOVING PENNY was something that the children could relate to. She even donated several copies to the school and read and excerpt to a group of 3rd graders.
Next it was over to the Crystal Springs High School, where we visited with Mr. Chad Bradford's creative writing class and a separate English class. This was special for Diane because she had never spoken to a creative writing class---and they greeted her warmly with their attention and incredible questions.
After we had lunch with Ms. Haynes, we were off to Peeples Middle School in Jackson, MS to visit with Ms. Rose Wright (President of the Savvy Book Club) and her class there. Diane shared some information about herself as well as got the chance to sit back and listen to the poetry written by some of the students.
Afterwards, we continued our journey to meet with the Production Manager of the public access channel of Jackson, MS (PEG, Channel 18) and the staff of the Jackson Advocate newspaper.
From there it was off to a booksigning at Richard Wright Library, thanks to our partnership with the librarian Debra Gilbert. There Diane gave advice to aspiring authors and shared bits of her journey as an author.
Our final destination of the day was at our literary partner, Barnes and Noble in Ridgeland, MS. There we sat down to chat and discuss Diane's career in more depth---as well as engaged in a conversation about the politics of the literary industry.
All of this, and it was just the first day.
Look for more information about the Barnes and Noble discussion later today.
Until then enjoy your day, enjoy your life and enjoy your world.

1 comment:

Don said...

Enjoyed the read.