Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Conversations recognizes author Patricia Neely-Dorsey

Conversations Book Club President Cyrus A. Webb is pleased to announce that this week's review that appears in the Clarion Ledger Newspaper (Rankin Ledger Insert) is of author Patricia Neely-Dorsey's book Reflections of a Mississippi Magnolia.
Author Patricia Neely-Dorsey also sat down for a "Take Ten" Interview with Conversations about herself and her book. Read an excerpt below:
In 2009 many new literary voices will be joining the growing coalition of published authors. One such individual is Patricia Neely-Dorsey. Her book Refections of a Mississippi Magnolia was released in 2008 to glowing reviews, and she will be spending her time getting it out to the world in the coming months while writing on her next project. Patricia took out time recently to talk with Conversations about her beginnings as a writer, the book and what keeps her going. Here is our conversation.
Happy New Year to you, Patricia, and thank you for taking out time to participate in Conversations' "Take Ten". Before we talk about your book Reflections of A Mississippi Magnolia I want you to talk about you. How would you describe yourself and your evolution over the years?
Happy New Year to you, Cyrus, and Thank You for this wonderful opportunity to share with you about my book. In answer to your question, I would say that I have always thought of myself as very interesting and unique. On all of the questionnaires that I ever filled out since I was in grade school, I always described myself as that. Everyone also tells me that I am very funny.. so I guess I am that , too. People are always commenting on how funny some of my poems are. Evolution? Although ,I felt that I really knew myself inside and out and that everything was pretty much set with me, I think a real evolution began in me and with me when I turned 40. All of a sudden, it seemed that I just had all of these new revelations about myself and the world around me. It was like a new lease on life. The forties have truly been fabulous. and very eye-opening thus far. I feel that I know myself so much better and that I am so much more comfortable in the skin I'm in.

Growing up, I believe everyone has a dream about what they see themselves doing. For you how would were you answering the question "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
As far as what I dreamed of and wanted to be when I grew up , I never really had a realistic, concrete idea of that. In grade school, my idol was Beverly Johnson, one of the first black "supermodels", so naturally I wanted to be a supermodel …but being 5'6 (not quite tall enough) and living in Tupelo, MS. I started to realize that probably wouldn't happen ...But, then again, Elvis Presley came from Tupelo…so anything is possible (LOL). Obama validated that for all of us.
To read the entire interview with the author click here:

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