Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

POEM: History 2009 by C. A. Webb

History 2009


I woke up this morning with history on my mind.

Though it's only January 20, 2009 this year has already proven to be like no other.

The country in which I live fulfilled another aspect of its greatness today with the swearing in of its 44th President, our first black President.

But there is more.

It comes only one day after the nation celebrated the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

and the message of his life along with his famous dream.

That's part of why I woke up this morning with history on my mind.

The election of President Barack Obama to the White House is just another facet of the dream held by not just Dr. King but so many

others who believed in this country's ability to learn, to lead and to love.

But there is still much more to do.

Dreams come true when you not only believe but work in harmony with those beliefs.

It's fine to put hope in other's ability, but that hope must be planted in the work that other's see that we are willing to do ourselves.

There has been much talk of change, and that change can come if we are willing to rearrange the way we live our lives

so that it is seen in not just one man but us as one nation.

Real change will lead us to treat our fellow man in a way that shows we believe that no life is greater than another

—we will treat each other as sisters and brothers.

Real change will inspire us to seek ways we can encourage others to be their best instead of standing by and

letting our fellow citizens in the world fail like the rest.

If we want real change we won't accept just anything. Just getting by will not do. Not now. Not anymore. Not for anyone.

History is on my mind because we are all part of it, creating it, learning from it and living it.

Though not all our history has been the best of us, I know that what we leave behind beginning with this day will outlive the rest of us.

Others will look back on this day and marvel at the hope created

and through our actions we will be able to say that we appreciate our part in history.

We welcome it, because in the chapters we will add there will be pride that we are now being the people we want others to think we are.

And our best is yet to come.



©     2009                        C. A. Webb

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