Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Texas Takeover of Mississippi: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

(NOTE: Missed day one's events? Click here to catch up!)

(Fri. Feb. 5, 2010) With no rain in sight and the sun trying to show itself, day 2 of the literary Texas Takeover in Mississippi began with a visit to Morrison Academic Advancement Center in Jackson, MS. Thanks to the warm invitation by the Principal (Mrs. Sherry Sterling) and the support of recording artist and poet Blak Jewel, authors Jermnine Demouchette and Mr. Mean Mug were able to share once again their story of missteps, redemption and the lessons learned.

The students listened intently during the entire presentation, but it was during the final moments of the visit that Blak Jewel, who also has a son at the school, revealed how Mean Mug and Demouchette had inspired them to share something personal about herself. She went on to tell the students that she had been molested growing up, and how she went on to make decisions that weren't the best. "I am now a single woman with four kids," she said, "and it's hard." Blak Jewel went on to say that it was possible to learn from your mistakes, and she thanked the authors again for being willing to help others.

From there, Demouchette and Mr. Mean Mug returned to Peeples Middle School to share their final thoughts with some of the students in Mrs. Bolden's class.

It was during this visit that retired Professor Charlie Gaulden met the gentleman and had a chance to share the work that he was doing to help those in the Jackson area that were in need.

It was a successful first tour stop for the Texas Takeover, but it is only just beginning of what will be an incredible adventure for the authors, the experiences they have to share and the good they will be able to do.

"The two of them met each other because of books," says Conversations Book Club President Cyrus Webb. He works as the publicist for both authors and is scheduling the tour stops. "They have been living in the same state for all this time, but it was their books that brought them together to help others."

Webb is now working to get organizations in Texas to see the benefit of such a pairing. "They compliment each other well, and I think it will be a win-win for them and their state."

Find out more information about the Texas Takeover and upcoming events at


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