Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, August 10, 2024

[BOOK REVIEW] Author Tracie O'Neil Horton tackles the complexities of humanity with K3

by Cyrus Webb

In 2024 this book that was released in 2018 is just as relevant and appealing today as it was when I initially read it. 

I went into the novel that is K3 (The Divided States of America) not really knowing what to expect, but by the end I was amazed as to how much author Tracie O'Neil Horton was able to pack into her debut. 

It's not a small book by any means, but it grabs the reader and takes you through what seems like a mini-series in written form that allows us to see how quickly life can change, and how there will always be those who fight for what they believe in, right or wrong.

Without giving too much away I'll say this: K3 takes us into a cast of characters not too different from the world we live in that are dealing with serious issues and will either find ways to co-exist or CEASING to exist. Standouts like "Mike" are sure to have the reader finding those within the pages of K3 that they can root for or see themselves in. Just as in life, however, not all motives are clear in the saga as it unfolds. The book really does show the importance of not giving up doing what you believe to be right---even when the odds seem stacked against you.

Showing both the darkness and the light that is the human experience, K3 is a book worth reading and discussing. It definitely won't be easily forgotten. 

Get your copy of K3 on Amazon

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