Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, August 10, 2024

CHANELLE COLEMAN WESLEY: Helping Others While Remembering to Say YES to Herself

by Cyrus Webb

Through her tenacity, humility and grit, motivational speaker/bestselling author Chanelle Coleman Wesley is literally changing the world one person at a time.

She's a fighter, an influencer in her community and a walking example of faith in action. She is also someone who has realized her own value and worth and poured into others to remind them of the same. 

I was glad to have the opportunity to talk with her about the journey and advice for you. 

Chanelle, congratulations on the success you have had in your writing and speaking journey, as well as in life. What has it been like for you to reflect on the changes you’ve made in your life?

Cyrus, thanks so much for the opportunity to share space with you on this platform. I love this question. It’s been utterly amazing to see the doors that God has opened for me. There was a time when I was scared of my purpose. I wasn’t able to realize my dreams, because I was too busy living my fears. To see the strides I’ve been able to make within the last few years is mind-boggling. I’m especially humbled by the impact I’ve been able to make by way of these projects birthed on the She Said Yes to Herself Unapologetically platform; however, I can’t help but wonder what my life would’ve been like if I had lived  this way earlier in life. 

 Saying YES to yourself sounds like it would be an easy thing. When did you realize it was important to put yourself first?

As women we are nurturers by design. The capacity to be givers is intrinsically infused within us. We also have the examples of our mothers, grandmothers, aunts, sisters, women in our communities, and women within the church who all paint a powerful demonstration of being selfless. The problem arises when we serve others extravagantly while simultaneously failing to serve ourselves in the same fashion.

 Most times we’re running off of empty cups. The first time I heard a flight attendant say, “If the oxygen levels drop in the cabin the oxygen masks will be released from its compartment, put your oxygen mask on first, then assist others…” I instantly thought, “How cruel! Why would I put my mask on first when there are people around me who may need my help?”  I heard this saying in my youth but It wasn’t until much later that I truly processed what she was saying. Now, I have a better understanding. If I fail to put my mask on first, I won’t be in a position to help others or myself. I’ve learned to become intentional about loving on me. Ensuring I have what I need to be healthy, happy and whole. What’s in my cup is undoubtedly for me. My gift to others is the overflow. 

Your faith also plays a large role in your work. How has faith been strengthened as you evaluate, change and grow?

I was raised in the Christian faith. As a child I was heavily influenced by my mother’s godly example, her penchant for storytelling, and her strong sense of faith. But as I lived this multi-complex experience called life, I’ve learned through the joys and pains of life that a superficial connection with Christ just won’t do. Life will require you to know Him for yourself. Looking at my personal journey and how I  battled thoughts of suicide after the death of my daughter, just a short while ago, I can truly say that I’m here today because of two things: God’s gift to me (my surviving children), and intercessory prayer.

 When I couldn’t pray for myself I had a network of people covering me in prayer. I’m alive walking boldly in my purpose. I’m going through doors that the Most High Himself has opened for me. He has added to me connections that have blessed me both professionally and personally. I’m operating in my calling. Great is His faithfulness. 

What has it been like to connect with other like-minded women who appreciate your vision and want to be a part of it?

It's wonderfully amazing. I’m both honored and humbled to be among this dynamic tribe of women of faith. I will always be eternally grateful for the connections and collaborations we’ve built. 

What advice would you give to other women about sharing their own truth with the world?

Are you sitting on your skill sets, vision, passion, or purpose? Have you given your fears permission to cancel your calling? If you’re waiting for your fears to be removed before you start sharing your message, you’ll never get off the sidelines. Do it scared. If your dreams don’t have your stomach doing somersaults, knees shaking, and heart racing then you aren’t dreaming big enough. 

 Thanks again for the time, Chanelle. How can our readers stay connected with you? 

Cyrus, it’s always a pleasure to talk with you. Thanks again for sharing space with me on this platform. I’d love for readers to connect with me on social media, and my email is 

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