Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Bestselling authors Kendra Norman-Bellamy & Brittney Holmes--- MISSION ACCOMPLISHED

(If you missed out on the first day's activities, then click here.)

Thank you to everyone who made the historic visit of Bestselling authors Kendra Norman-Bellamy and Brittney Holmes to Mississippi a success. I typically get so much credit for arranging the events, but they would be nothing withoutall of the loyal book lovers and fans that come out to support.

On Saturday, December 1, 2007--- World AIDS Day---we began the day with Rose Wright, President of the Savvy Book Club. She escorted us to our first four stops of the day: a meet and greet at Northside Library, meeting fans at Willie Morris Library and then a booksigning at Barnes and Noble. Thanks to the management of Barnes and Noble for their continued support as well. We look forward to working with them more in the future.

From there it was on to Waldenbooks Metrocenter where we met many more individuals who were fans of both authors, however, the highlight for me was an exchange between members of the book club "All That Jazz" in Jackson, MS. One of the members passed by their table at Waldens, waved and then circled back around to say hello. After realizing who they were, she proclaimed that her book club had just read books from Bellamy's "Grace" series, and she immediately called her book club President. "Girl, guess who is at Waldenbooks," she proclaimed to her excitedly. "Kendra Bellamy, girl... Yeah girl, she here right now grinning in my face!" Within minutes the President, Vanessa, was at the library with a tote bag full of Kendra's books---and even both the only one of the author's ten titles that she didn't already own.

Brittney didn't fair bad herself. When we left the mall for the day she only had 3 copies of her debut novel LIVING CONSEQUENCES left. Those have been autographed---along with a few of Kendra's books---and are available at Waldenbooks Metrocenter.

From there we took a break to eat (finally) at the mall's food court before Mississippi author Voncele Savage joined us at the mall to take us to our final location of the evening: Subway Restaurant in Pearl, MS.

Voncele was one of three individuals being honored by the "Best of Mississippi" committee for our outstanding work in the community, and of course the conversation veered into her books and that of our speical guests. Also joining us was Q.U.E.E.N.S. of Mississippi Book Club President Adrienne Bailey and later Diane Johnston and Stanley Clark.

The evening concluded with excerpts of Kendra's and Brittney's books being read and Diane sharing a poem she had written as well as a song.

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