Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Sunday, December 2, 2007

CBC Report: Bestselling authors Kendra Norman-Bellamy & Brittney Holmes--- Day One

It is with great pleasure that I report the first day of activities for Conversations Book Club and its hosting of Bestselling authors Kendra Norman-Bellamy and Brittney Holmes.

The day began at 9:30a.m. with the authors and book club member Robin Gardner in Crystal Springs. Our first visit was to visit the 600 students at the elementary school before speaking to 3rd graders about how to pursue their goals and dreams. As always school principal and book club member---Cheryl Haynes---made us feel welcome.

From there it was on to the Crystal Springs High School where the authors sat down in an intimate setting with the Creative Writing and Public Speaking class, headed by Mr. Chad Bradford. This was an excellent opportunity for the authors to discuss their writing careers as well as how they come to develop the stories they write.

After an energetic Q&A session, we were back at the elementary school for lunch with Ms. Haynes and the students there before heading to the Jackson Advocate Newspaper to meet staff writer Christian Vance who will be writing a review of both IN GREENE PASTURES and LIVING CONSEQUENCES.

At 1:30p.m. we were at the Pearl Public Library for a meet and greet. Though it was a slow day for them, we were able to meet some of the patrons as well talk with the supervisors about ordering copies of their books for the library---which they happily agreed to do! Thanks to Jennifer Vess for your continued support.

At 3:30p.m. we were at Richard Wright Library in South Jackson for a meet and greet/signing. It was great to see some new faces as well as some familiar ones---including members of the Savvy Book Club!

At 5:30p.m. the authors were off to their booksigning/discussion at Waldenbooks Metrocenter Mall in Jackson, MS. This was our final event for the day, but was full of tidbits about the authors, their inspiration and how they feel about the publishing industry.

Another great start to a history-making weekend... and with a full schedule of events planned for Saturday, December 1, 2007---this is only the beginning.

For details about where you can find the authors on Saturday, December 1, 2007, please call Robin Gardner at 601.664.8805 or email Cyrus A. Webb at

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