Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Years from Conversations Book Club!!!

For many of you 2008 will be starting when you read this email, but I
didn't want to let 2007 get away from me without sharing with you how
much I appreciate all of the support you have given me this year.

We have much to be thankful for in the literary world. Many new authors
have joined the ranks, and some of our favorite authors continue to give
us books that we can't help running to the stores to purchase.

For me, 2007 saw the fulfillment of an idea that has mushroomed into its
own entity---and for that I am thankful. I was able to bring readers
together in person with over 30 authors this year---without charging one
cent. This made history among book clubs nationwide, being the most
authors a single group has been responsible for in one year. That also
means a great deal to me, because that allowed people to see and
associate with authors that otherwise they wouldn't have had the
opportunity to meet.

In 2008, however, Conversations will be going above and beyond---offering
freebies throughout the year that even the most casual of readers will
want to be a part of.

In the next 12 months, I will be introducing you to an astounding 60
authors ( 38 women and 22 men) LIVE AND IN PERSON, many of whom are
bestsellers that have never been in Mississippi, Memphis, Montgomery or
New Orleans before. I will also be moderating a series of forums
throughout the year as well as the 2nd Annual Statewide Book Club Meet &
Greet--- again, each being free and open to anyone and everyone.

The challenge, then, is with you. Will you be an active participant in
the opportunities ahead, or will you sit on the sidelines focusing on
what could have been? There will be 60 authors coming in 2008--- how many
will you meet?

I leave the answer up to you, but I hope that you will take advantage of
every literary opportunity that comes your way.

As always--- Enjoy your day. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your world. And
please, enjoy 2008. Believe me: the best is yet to come!

Cyrus A. Webb, President
Conversations Book Club

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
