Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Conversations & Author Harrine Freeman, Day 1

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 2008: Thank you to everyone who made day one with author Harrine Freeman a success!

This was Ms. Freeman's first visit to the Magnolia State, and we made sure it was one she will not soon forget. Her book HOW TO GET OUT OF DEBT is so timely considering what many are faced with in the day to day struggles of life. We were able to visit with several classes at the Crystal Springs High School, thanks to the Principal Ms. Jones and teachers Mr. Bradford and Ms. Crisler. Then it was over to the Elementary school where the Principal (and our book club member) Ms. Haynes led us around, introduced us to many of her 600 students and allowed us to read some of the writings of her up-and-coming authors.

From there it was on to the Richard Wright Library--giving us the perfect end to this historic visit.

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