Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

You Are Invited to Conversations' "Book Lovers Day" in Pearl, MS!

Conversations Book Club*, in connection with its literary partners, is pleased to welcome the public to its first "Book Lovers Day" in Mississippi! The event is geared towards authors, book club members and book lovers throughout the state to come together and discuss what unites them all: BOOKS! 

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pearl Public Library
Pearl, MS

Moderated by Conversations Book Club President Cyrus A. Webb, this event will feature four of Mississippi's brightest literary stars: Craig Alexander (author of THE NINEVEH PROJECT), V. L. Green (author of WHERE DESTINIES MEET), Darden North (author of HOUSE CALL and POINTS OF ORIGIN) and Voncele Savage (author of A LETTER TO MY SISTERS).  


Join us as we discuss the background of each author, what motivate them to pursue their careers and the challenges that they face in such a competitive market. During the Q&A session you will be able to ask your own questions as well. Admission to this event is free.

*     Founded in November 2006, Conversations Book Club is the largest book club in Mississippi with seven chapters in the state as well as chapters in New Orleans, Montgomery, Memphis, Chicago and Atlanta. The purpose of Conversations is to encourage reading among all ages and to show how we can encourage others to open up their minds by opening up a book.
For more information, contact Robin Gardner at 601.664.8805 or Cyrus A. Webb at Additional information about Conversations Book Club can be found at
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