Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, March 21, 2008

"GROWN & GANGSTA" by Jacki-O on sale NOW at Mississippi BeBop Stores!

Once again Conversations Book Club and its partner TRU Publishing are making history in the promotion of Recording artist/author Jacki-O's book GROWN & GANGSTA. Starting Friday, March 21, 2008, Mississippi residents can purchase the book at BeBop Record Stores in Mississippi! This is the first time that the BeBop chain has ever carried books in their retail outlets, however, it was a chance that they were willing to take.

"I just called the store up and asked them if they were interested in helping us promote reading and making history," says Cyrus A. Webb of Conversations Book Club and TRU Publishing. "It was something that I knew could go either way, but they saw the vision and wanted to support our cause."

"This is a win-win for all parties involved," agrees Ann Lampe of BeBop Record Stores. "We are glad to do what we can to promote reading as well as give our customers something they can't find anywhere else."

As part of the new partnership with BeBop Record Stores, Webb has agreed to bypass the larger music stores and will only sign similar agreements with independent stores in Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana and Georgia.

"This is our way of remaining true to the grassroots effort both Conversations and TRU began with," Webb explained. "If we can get to as many people as possible in the neighborhods where they are, it will help us get one step closer to everyone wanting to pick up a book and give it a shot."

Mississippi residents can get the book at BeBop Record Stores in the Maywood Mart Center (601.981.5000) and 3887 Metro Drive near Metrocenter Mall (601.969.3181) for only $12.95.
C'mon. JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get hooked on books!

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