Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bestselling author Trice Hickman, Day 1

Many thanks to all of those who came out to make the first day of Bestselling author Trice Hickman's visit with Conversations Book Club a success. We had a blast, and we can proudly tell you that she was an absolute hit, SELLING EVERY BOOK THAT WAS AVAILABLE!

The day began at the Clarion Hotel in Jackson, MS for our "Breakfast with Books" event. (Thanks to Nikki Peeples for her kindness!) We were joined with book club member/author Voncele Savage, and it set the pattern for the day.

From there is was on to the Willie Morris Library in Jackson, MS where we met with members of the Savvy Book Club. Books were bought and signed, pictures taken and new fans of the author were born!

On from there to Rankin County for a meet and greet at the Pearl Public Library in Pearl, MS. Thanks to the hospitality of Jennifer Vess and staff for making us feel at home. A special thanks goes out to book club member Berlinda White who though she suffered a car accident this week, went out of her way to join us for a lively discussion.

The final event of the day was at the Wal-Mart on HWY 18 in Jackson, MS. Store manager Eddie Robinson made us feel at home as always, and it was here that dozens of books were sold, new readers discovered and the day ended.

To those that missed us in Mississippi, you have one more opportunity to meet Ms. Hickman. Conversations Book Club in Memphis will be hosting her at the Borders Store in Memphis, TN (4465 Poplar Ave.) from 1-3p.m. Come out and support the author in her historic southern leg of her tour!

C'mon. What are you waiting for? JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get hooked on books!

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