Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Hiphop and Books welcomes STATUS QUO from MTV's AMERICA'S BEST DANCE CREW

Hiphop and Books welcomes Dance Sensation STATUS QUO as a proud Supporter

The Hiphop and Books Initiative is pleased to announce that more star power has been added to our mission of encouraging reading and the importance of staying in school. We are pleased to announce that the fantastic dance group STATUS QUO from MTV's America's Best Dance Crew, Season One is now a proud supporter of our music and literacy campaign.
(NOTE: If you can't see any of the following, visit )
Known for their skills and their determination, Status Quo will be on the road with the project beginning in July 2008 through the end of the campaign in late September 2008. "I am glad to have Status Quo and KGMissinglink Entertainment working shoulder to shoulder with us to encourage and educate our future," says Cyrus A.Webb,32, Founder of Hiphop and Books. "This history-making project is really picking up steam, and we have more surprises in store so make sure to visit often."

The management of Status Quo had this to say to Webb: "Status Quo would like to thank you for allowing us to become a proud sponsor of the Hiphop and Books Project. We are pleased to be able to support such a good cause. The Hiphop and Books project is a positive and influential music and literacy program traveling from state to state educating young minds on the importance of reading and education through Hiphop & R&B.

"Music and entertainment have become such a powerful tool amongst our youth that it is up to us teach them how books can provide you with enough knowledge to become a rapper, singer, Dancer or actor that not only has talent but understands the business side of the industry which can definitely create longevity as well as assist in mastering your craft. There are so many great books that are availabe and relevant to the music and entertainment industry that our youth can take advantage of and have fun learning through them.Status Quo is proud to be in the company of so many other credible artists who support this worthy movement and care to make a difference."

Status Quo is in good company. They join recording artistis C-Murder, Josh Gates, Jon Boy, Atllas, C. James, Omega Red, Trill, Big A, Jack Squad, Eddie Wright, OndreaNicole, Shawty Jizzle, Chamber, Nino, Blak Circle, Duane Scott and more. To find our more about Status Quo and their upcoming projects, visit To contact their management, call 857.212.3509. To find out more about the HIPHOP AND BOOKS project, contact Berlinda White at 601.307.1851 or Visit and

C'MON. JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get hooked on books!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is such an awesome endeavor -- the title "Hiphop and books" says it all. I work with Delon , a hiphop artist who raps about themes of justice and peace - and he supports this endeavor. We should start using the influence of hiphop music for good, and realize that hiphop artists can be heroes that inspire the youth to do good in their lives.