Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Conversations hosts the "2nd Annual Statewide Book Club Meet and Greet" in Mississippi!

Conversations Book Club, in partnership with Richard Wright Library and their literary partners, will be hosting the "Second Annual Statewide Book Club Meet and Greet" in Jackson, MS on Saturday, June 28, 2008. The event will take place at the Richard Wright Library (515 W. McDowell Road * Jackson, MS) and will be geared towarded allowing all book clubs and book lovers throughout the state to come together and discuss what unites them all: BOOKS!

SATURDAY, June 28, 2008
11-12:00p.m. --- Meet and greet with authors and book lovers (Bring your lunch as well as your books to get them signed)
12-1:00p.m. --- FORUM: The Business of Books (Authors discusss the joys and politics of publishing)
1:15-2:15p.m. --- FORUM: The Pros and Cons of Book Clubs (Can they do more harm than good?)
2:30-3:30p.m.--- What are YOU reading? Book lovers speak about what's hot and what's not.

Each session will be moderated by Conversations Book Club President Cyrus A. Webb. CONFIRMED Guest authors include Bestselling authors Diane Dorce' (author of DEVIL IN THE MIST and 52 BROAD STREET), Electa Rome Parks (author of LADIES' NIGHT OUT, ALMOST DOESN'T COUNT, LOOSE ENDS, THE TIES THAT BIND and THESE ARE MY CONFESSIONS), V. L. Green (WHEN DESTINIES MEET), Supreme Understanding (HOW TO HUSTLE AND WIN), Voncele Savage (A LETTER TO MY SISTERS) and Tina Brooks McKinney (ALL THAT DRAMA, LAWD MO' DRAMA and FOOL STOP TRIPPIN').

Admission to the day's events is free.

For more information, contact Berlinda White at 601.307.1851 or Cyrus A. Webb at If you are a book club or author who would like to participate in the scheduled discussions, email Webb at

C'mon, what are you waiting for? JOIN THE ADDICTION: Get hooked on books!

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