Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Andrew and Rob from "I Want To Work For Diddy" talk with Conversations LIVE!

They are two of the contestants that have been eliminated from the hit VH1 show "I Want To Work For Diddy", and on Sunday, September 21, 2008 you will get a chance to talk with them live.

At 4:30p.m. CST(2:30p.m. PST) we will talk with Andrew Long(below), the first of the contestants to go. Though we weren't able to find out much about him on national televison, Andrew will talk about how his desire to make a difference in the world began in 2001 and how he hopes to use his celebrity to pursue his aspirations in modeling, producing, directing and even acting.
This will be followed at 6p.m. CST (7p.m. EST) by an hour-long discussion with Rob Smith (below), the third contestant to be eliminated. He will discuss how the show affected his life and what it was like to discuss his sexuality on national television.
Hosted by Cyrus A. Webb, these are two hours of exclusive interviews that you don't want to miss. To listen to each interview live, simply visit or you can listen over the phone at 1.347.426.3645.

Missed our previous interviews with other "I Want To Work For Diddy" contestants? Listen to the podcast here:

Poprah, candidate on the hit VH1 show "I Want To Work For Diddy"

Boris "Can Do" Kuperman, candidate on the hit VH1 show "I Want To Work For Diddy"

Kendra Haffoney, candidate on the hit VH1 show "I Want To Work For Diddy"

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