Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Friday, September 26, 2008

Featured review: Author Joseph Henderson's I DON'T WANT TO DIE ALL ALONE

Continuing his partnership with the largest daily newspaper in Mississippi (The Clarion Ledger), Conversations Book Club President Cyrus A. Webb is pleased to announce that this week's featured review is of author Joseph Henderson's memoir "I Don't Want To Die All Alone" (To read the review, click on the link below)
Hederson was the 26th author that Conversations Book Club has hosted in 2008. His book "I Don't Want To Die All Alone" is a must-read for those who have survived turmoil to live another day. Read the review by clicking on this link:
Enjoy your day. Enjoy your life. Enjoy your world. ENJOY BOOKS!

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