Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Conversations and Gov. William Winter: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!

Much thanks goes out to those who attended the discussion of Governor William Winter's "The Measure of Our Days" at the Pearl Public Library in Pearl, MS on Thursday, September 18, 2008. And a special thanks goes out to the Governor and his wife for being our special guests during the meeting, making him our 27th author to host in 2008--- and our 59th author since Conversations was formed in November 2006.
The hour-long exchange was both encouraging and enlightening to all of us---and once again we achieved our mission of being a reading group that opens its hearts and minds to everyone. A special thanks goes out to Jennifer Vess of the Pearl Public Library and special guest author Dudley Sykes who was also in attendance.
If you haven't read "The Measure of Our Days", we strongly suggest you do so. You will be a better person because of it.
Enjoy your day. Enjoy your world. Enjoy your life. Enjoy BOOKS!

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