Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Conversations Magazine's #BooksYouNeedtoRead Issue

Monday, September 1, 2008

TAKE TEN: Our Interview with author Recha Peay

Author Recha Peay has been on the national scene for approxiamately three years, and already she has given us a body of writings that will stay around for quite some time. She began working with Conversations in early 2007, and already the two have organized not only this interview but her touring schedule as well. Now with the success of her new book, ILLUSIONS OF LOVE, Peay talks with her fans and authors about her career, the roll of journals in her writing process and how what she loves remain a test for her to fully promote. This is our conversation.

Recha, we came in contact with other in 2007, and I am glad we were finally able to share you for with the Conversations audience. Before we get into your newest book ILLUSION OF LOVE, I want you to tell our readers a little about yourself. Before we start I would like to take the time to thank you for this opportunity. Also I would like to thank family, friends and book clubs for their support.

I currently reside outside of Memphis, Tennessee. I have two wonderful children Ebone age 19 and Frederick age 15. I'm employed full-time as a Medical Technologist and I manage to write whenever and wherever I can.

I have read your first two books, MYSTERY OF A WOMAN and INTIMATE BETRAYAL, and it seems as though you really have a grasp on getting the reader in touch with your characters. Is that something that comes easy for you or is that just part of the craft you have developed?
Visualizing the character comes easy but developing them into individuals with true to life physical traits and characteristics can be challenging. By far I'm my own worse critic as I examine then re-examine each project for future improvements.

Looking back at your beginnings as a writer, was there a time when it really just clicked with you that this was something you wanted to do for life?
Since the 9th grade becoming a full-time author has been a dream. In high school I wrote poetry and short stories. After graduation I wanted to major in English with a minor in Communications but was side tracked when my vision was doubted. Never letting go of my dream I majored in Biology eventually obtaining a B.S. in Medical Technology.

Writing was a passion so I kept a journal with me at all times. Years later news of a job closing propelled me to finish my first project 'Mystery of a Woman'. Then I knew I wanted to do it for life.

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